Thursday 25 September 2014

Snickers/Caramello Cheesecakes

Snickers/Caramel Cheesecakes (made 2 really really full little cakes, this is half of the usual recipe for a normal sized cake tin)


 10 oreos
50g butter
250g cream cheese
1/2 C condensed milk
4 rows of caramel chocolate
2 snickers bar
1/2 C whipped cream


About 10 oreos (I lucked out and found some that had peanut butter cream in the middle...perfect for a snickers cheesecake)
50g-ish melted butter
Mix together and press into tin lined with baking paper. Chill in the fridge


In  bowl mix condensed milk and half of the cream cheese

In another bowl, melt chocolate and then mix with the other half of the cream cheese

Mix 2 cream cheese mixtures together

Fold in 1/2 C whipped cream

Cut up 1 snickers and mix through.

Put into tins on top of the base. Put some snickers pieces on top and then chill until ready to serve. About 4 hours or can be done the day before.


1 comment:

  1. Oh man, those look so good! You always make the yummiest desserts!!
