Monday 1 September 2014

Stuff Lately x15

Biggest Cuzzies going on a movie date

Movie date for Mum, Faith and Dallin

How I feel most days!!!! (not about call parents though, I like that one)

Daddy Joe with the helper with the most stickability (Ella!). Faith's a 1 minute wonder most of the time!

Playing around while I chose Faith's birthday bike. He ended up being told to get off it by one of the workers cause we weren't buying it :(

My BIG kindy girl on her first day.....soooo bittersweet for me

Love these  as kindy bags and love that I have two (thanks Aunty Beezy). With Dallin going as well I felt like I packed half the house that morning...needn't have bothered though cause she came home wearing the PJs she went in!

And she had a wonderful day. Apparently when they put her in the cot for her first sleep she just started laughing at them....that's my girl...full of smiles :) :) :)

Totally out of the blue, and pretty exciting after I got a speeding ticket last week and we had a window repair thrown in for good measure. This made up for both of those with a little to spare

The quiz night we did at Lincoln Ward was a huge success, despite being down to the wire for actually having it ready (we were still finishing the questions about 15 minutes after the activity started)

We're going to host a Ward Quiz night for Swanson sometime in November and just re-use what we did for this one. I'd actually like to be part of the quiz myself cause I love the challenge of answering trivia, but not this time. Maybe next year another couple can take it over

Bro Reneti has a MEAN karaoke set up....Daddy Joe did a bit of Red Hot Chilli Peppers
And to finish up, my little Seffy man was sick on Sunday....the best possible kind of sick as well.....snuggly and tired. No crying, no vomitting or upset tummy, just mummy cuddles and big sleeps all day long. Wouldn't ever wish for him to be sick, but my goodness I made the most of him lying on me from the moment he woke up until about 5pm when he started to chirp up.

1 comment:

  1. Hey hows your lunchboxes going??! I forgot about them. And did Dallin sit good through the movie?
