Tuesday 30 September 2014

Scone Heaven

I've always thought of scones as a pensioner morning/afternoon tea type food. So it seems Faith is well beyond her years because ever since she was about 2, she's been a sucker for a cheese scone. Whenever we go to a cafe, which isn't often, but every time, it cracks me up that she chooses a cheese scone. Of all the muffins and slices and cakes, she chooses a scone! And when she's with me for the grocery shopping, she gets to choose something from the bakery, and after lots of umming and ahhhing, I'd say 90% of the time she goes for the good old classic cheese scone.

A few weeks ago when she chose her supermarket treat, I told her we'd have to go to Grandie's house for scone making lessons. An old lady heard me say that and gave me a quick run down on how easy they are to make. We told Grandie about our idea, and he was keen to help, but he also told me you can buy 'scone mix'. Oh my goodness, how did I not know this? Now I've brought it 2 weeks in a row and we're loving it.

Just add 1 cup of cold water and it's done....seriously, that's it.
Well, that could be it, but of course we add cheese to ours and a teaspoon of mixed herbs takes them to the next level.

Welcome to Scone heaven!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh yum!! I'm a total scone lover so I'm always keen to go to scone heaven :) ....Although I'd definitely choose date over cheese any day! They do sound yummy with the mixed herbs though. We might have to try that x
