Wednesday 10 September 2014

FHE - Nail polish game

Nail Polish Game (was kind of a sad excuse for FHE this week cause Daddy Joe wasn't home from work and Ella was still sickie, but we went ahead with an activity nonetheless)

I saw this on pinterest a few weeks ago, as a party game with nail polish. Wasn't practical for us at this age and stage, so we did it with coloured pencils and paper instead which was good enough. (what they don't know won't hurt them...I'm sure if they knew it was meant to be done with nail polish and I said no, WW3 would have broken out)

Will have to remember the nailpolish idea though cause it would make a cool girls party game.

Pretty straight forward, just trace around hands, take turns spinning the pencil in the middle and whatever the 'pointer' points to is the colour you have to do a nail. At the end the person who has the most nails with the same colour is the winner

Ella while we were playing

Faith just before we started FHE. She wasn't sick, but had a later afternoon nap after watching about 5 movies in a row

Ella during the day.....warm and sleepy....

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