Tuesday 2 September 2014

FHE - Prayer Burgers

Some of our prayers lately have been a bit repetitive....sad but true. By the time bed time rolls around, the girls are tired and grumpy and pretty much just can't be bothered putting in effort to say prayers. They either do it begrudgingly or just say 'you do it Mum'.

For a few days I've been excited about having a lesson on prayers. Hopefully our content and sincerity will be on the improve now.

We started off talking about how when I want to talk to Grandie (my Dad) I call him on the phone. They see me do that pretty much every day so they knew exactly what I was talking about. And then when we want to talk to Heavenly Father, we say a prayer. 

We can say them by our bed at night time, or in our mind at kindy, or school. Or we can even plead and cry out to him in emergencies like if we have a car accident. 

However we pray to him, he will hear our words and thoughts. 

The girls were really interested to hear that sometimes Daddy Joe prays while he's at work that his job will go well and they'll get everything finished properly. 

I really hope they've learnt that they can pray anytime and anywhere if they feel like talking to their Father in Heaven.

Here's the activity sheets we did...

Colouring in is always a winner with the girls. I was going to make this 'prayer by numbers', but I pretty much knew the girls wouldn't be able to wait to colour in one piece of the picture each day. Maybe one day!

I was trying to think of a way of talking about the different parts of a prayer that would be memorable for the kids. Cause we all know what a burger is I thought this might work....and it did cause they thought my prayer burger was pretty funny so they really listened to what I was saying.

Bottom Bun - Dear Heavenly Father
Meat - Things we're thankful for, express gratitude
Salad - Express concerns and desires
Top Bun - In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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