Monday 22 September 2014

FHE - Games Night

Word by Word - sit in a circle, go around the circle each saying a word so you make a short story. The girls struggle with this one so we do it every now and again at bed time. Surely over time we'll improve!

Impromptu Speech - 1 minute to talk about a topic like chocolate, hamburgers, cars, clothes. Faith and I have done this lately as a way of getting her to add more detail to her writing. I'm sick of her writing one sentence and saying 'I'm finished'. She did a really good one about 'TVs' a few days ago, and her 'cars' one was pretty funny too

Gotcha - 1 person chooses a category like colours, months, sports. They choose one thing in that category without telling anyone. The category is told to the group and each person has to say something while the person who is 'in' sits in front of them with a small lid full of water (like a pump bottle lid). If the person says the secret word (for example: yellow), the lid of water gets splashed on them while you yell 'Gotcha'. Enough water to be fun and not enough to cause tears

Some of our categories......

Farm Animals
Zoo Animals

Toy Basketball - An old favourite of ours. 10 soft toys + 1 basket. Who can get the most shots in?????? Always Mum!

Dad - 5
Faith - 4
Ella - 2
Mum - 10
Seth - 6 (with help from Mum moving the basket to catch his throws!)

Pictionary  - I had a list of easy pictures to draw like temple, 10 commandments, golden plates, noah's ark, jonah and the whale, baptism. Each person had a chance to draw a picture and Dad had to guess what they'd drawn.

I didn't get heaps of pics, but here's a few of the night
Listening to instructions of 'Gotcha'

Seth's in and out of FHE's at his age. While we were playing one of the games I found him over at the bookshelf entertaining himself with some church books....his favourite of all time is our Noah's Ark book
Mum's attempt at Jonah and the whale. Faith told us the whole story of what happened but couldn't remember the name Jonah!

This was all help from Mum and Dad. I thought she did a really good job of Noah's ark, especially when she did the boat and then added heaps of rain....and finished off with a cat on the boat!

Know what this is? Faith was so confident drawing it as soon as I whispered '10 commandments' into her ear. Dad couldn't get it and I was a bit confused as to what she'd drawn, so I checked with her 'Faith, what did you draw again? '10 commandments' 'Oh yeah, just checking!!!'

Then she goes 'oh, I know how to make it better', and added the house with a chimney of course

Dad was still confused so she drew a close up of the commandments to help

Still struggling so she drew Moses going up the Mountain and Dad got it after that. Interesting my Lovey Faith!

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