Sunday 31 August 2014

Faithy K turns 6!!!

I'm officially in shock. I can't believe my baby Faith is 6.

Here's 6 things I love about my big baby

1. 95% of the time she's super easy going

2. She's extremely laid back when it comes to clothing choices....cracks me up and brings a smile to my face when I see how she'll wear anything, any combo at any time. A little like her mother perhaps

3. Faithy loves movies...pretty much any movie and she's in with full attention from start till finish. And she's a good snuggler during movies too.

4. She's got a kind hearted and thoughtful nature...very sweet is our Faith

5. Faith's very obliging and can often calm down stressful situations in our home with a certain un-named sibling (who's female and 4!)....and Stella's Dad thinks she's the peacemaker in her classroom too.

6. Faith is very good at choosing the right. Most of the time it doesn't even seem hard to her, it's just who she is.

Here's how the birthday and the lunch day went (we called it her special birthday lunch cause this year was a non-party year...although at the last minute she invited her bestie Stella and her brother Lukas and Ella invited a kindy friend too).

She's known all year that she'll get one hot choccie from the coffee pod and she chose for that day to be her birthday. She was so excited on the morning and so was I. Then just as we were getting in the car I remembered it was thursday and the coffee pod's only open on monday, wednesday, Friday. Mummy Fail!  I said she could wait until the next day or we'd go to a cafe just up the road from school. She chose the cafe so this pic was taken while she was waiting for it to be chuffed!

Chillin' out with sissy and friends in her classroom

She's wanted a 'chill factor slushy maker' for the longest time and I finally got her one. Turns out they're pretty lame and more hassle than they're worth....annoying!

....but she likes it so I guess that's all that matters

Riding to school the day after her birthday (all the other kids were at kindy.....even Dilly too, but that's a post for another day)

Special birthday lunch day, and Ella kept checking the door to see if her bestie Maioha was here yet

They walked around holding hands for the first 1/2 hour!

Pretending to paint nails with little twigs....apparently that's what they do together at kindy

My little bud helped me get everything ready on the deck, and then swiped a few felafel patties! Cool little sidekick is Spence

Faithy chose homemade Pita Pit for her lunch. Lucky we did sausies as well cause none of the other kids shared her desire for pitas....they were all sausie sizzles kids

Pics from Aunty Nae's cammy.....

Love how Spency's looking at his Dad's handy to cute!

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