Thursday 14 August 2014

Choc Chip Recipes x2

My original Choc Chip Recipe

250g softened butter
1 1/3C brown sugar

Cream together

Add 3 C flour
1 tsp baking powder


Add 1C chocolate (melts, chips or cooking chocolate or a mixture of all)

Roll into balls, press a little with a fork and cook on non-stick tray for about 15 mins. They come out quite soft and harden when out of the oven. Just judge by the golden brown colour on top.

New Choc Chunk Recipe

170g softened butter
3/4 C brown sugar
1/4 C sugar
1 large Egg

Cream together

Scrape sides of bowl and then add

2C flour
100g instant pudding mix (I've used butterscotch and chocolate, doesn't really matter the flavour) 1 packet is about 70-80g so you need two)
1tsp baking soda

Mix again and then add

2C chocolate chunks (cut up Nestle cooking chocolate is way better than melts or chips)

Roll into balls and place on baking tray. Put in fridge for about 2 hours (if you cook straight away they go really flat). 

Cook at 180C for about 10-12 mins or keep in the fridge for up to 5 days (or you can even freeze the cookie dough balls in freezer for up to 6 months).

Soooo good. Especially when hot out of the oven. I pretty much burn my mouth everytime cause I can't wait for them to cool a little!


I wonder how long this bag of bad boys will last in the freezer. Last time I wrote July-November on the bag but they were all gone within about 4 days of putting them in the freezer! Pretty cool to have 2 fresh cookies every day for lunch! Might have to do a massive cooking effort and put a few bags of dough balls in the freezer in the garage. Or knowing me that could be very dangerous!!!!! I'll either look like a bacon 'n egg mcmuffin or choc chunk cookie! (if you are what you eat)


  1. Yum! I already loved your originals, so are you saying these are even better??!! They must be amazing! I'll have to try them sometime to give my expert opinion ;) x

  2. Dam we're sitting at home coz it's raining and I just said to Pete do we have Choc chunks?! We don't :( they'll have to wait til next week. Bummer
