Wednesday 6 August 2014

FHE - All about Jesus Christ

All about Jesus Christ

We started off talking about Jesus, the girls having a chance to tell us what they know about him

Ella: Mary had to get on a donkey cause he nearly falled out of her tummy
        He was baptised by John the Baptist

Faith: He was born in a stable
          He was crucified on the cross and then resurrected again
          He's also called Jesus Christ
          He did good things all the time

Then we pegged up each of the following pictures along a string in the lounge (between two chairs). We discussed what was happening in each picture and then the girls had to match up each caption with the correct picture. If it was just for Ella and Seth I would have printed the caption on the picture, but because Faith is learning to read and the sentences were so simple, I figured we'd try and match them...turned out to be a great activity for a beginning reader, and even Ella could do it without too much help.

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