Wednesday 6 August 2014

Our first family trip to Temple Week

Totally loved temple week, despite the motel having no TV, shock horror! I survived....just!

Waiting for Daddy Joe to get home. He's always home really late on nights when we've got plans. Didn't end up leaving Auckland till 8:45pm

Gonna make it a family tradition to attend at least 2 days of temple week, so this'll be our little digs every 6 or so much fun to be in our 'little temple house' as the girls called it
Bobby was a bit scared to go to sleep in the room with Faith so she asked for a toy. I didn't have any so she had to settle for one of Mummy's tops instead

Who's putting who to sleep mate?

Having sweet dreams for her morning sleep while the rest of us suffered cabin fever in the lounge for a few hours. Gosh I wish I got her deal

Still got the knack!!!
When we arrived Faith said 'the toilet flush is a little bit funny'. I asked what she meant by that but she didn't really say so I forgot about it. Almost burst out in fits of laughter when this is what I saw later on. 

Forgot to say morning prayers so we quickly did it outside before walking to the car. This little guy is the prayers can't possibly eat or go to bed without saying prayers!

Chillin at the visitor's centre. The sister missionaries were so kind to accommodate my crazy bunch for about an hour

Listening to stories from one of the sisters and then singing her songs

Yeeyah, going on an outing with Aunty Natty

In the front of a fast purple XR6 with 3 lollipops, doesn't get much better than that aye Son!!!

Sad sight.....Grandma Rose's house is all gone :(

Seffy with his bestie......Cockadoodledoo!!! (or should I say Cock-a-loo-la-loo)

She found this while rummaging through things at Aunty Natty's and never took it off until this she wore it from Tuesday afternoon till Thursday morning bed twice even!!!! (it's just been through the wash now)

Sleepy Scoopy in the car while I took my critters in to pick up Jordy and Kyky. Loved the surprised and happy looks on their faces when we all bounded in. And we got to see Naya, Tanner and Aunty Bex too!

New Besties, loved hearing these two play together. I don't think they left eachothers side the whole time

Helping with the BIG tidy up  before the BIG move. By the time I left last night all that was gone and the kitchen was pretty much spotless!

So the temple was awesome and the family time was awesome. Already looking forward to our next temple trip (with some kind of DVD/laptop/ipad next time to get us through with a bit less 
bed jumping)

1 comment:

  1. Lol to the toilet flush alright!! Bad blast from the past haha...cutest little prayer policeman. funny/cute that the pumpkin costume's getting so much love!
