Monday 25 August 2014

When Daddy and Dallin were away.....

A record of our weekend without Daddy and Dallin as they went to the Goldie for Uncle Ez's wedding

Off to the airport at 4:12am (Friday morning)
She'd just had a bottle at 3am and then gone back to bed until 4am. The gorgeous little critter had no idea that she'd be woken for a quick nappy change and then a early morning drive to the airport with her Daddy and aunties. 

So exciting for Daddy to go and be with his family

I had the whole day to myself.....from 8:30am until 3pm. Wowsers!!!!!! So weird and relaxing to be kidless for 6.5 hours (just being honest)...before the craziness of the evening began

A wonderful parent interview for Faithy K

I mistakenly thought it would be easy to take these 3 to the Warehouse to chose new drink bottles. Unfortunately it was anything but

Tried to buy Faith new school shoes and had the other 2 throwing tantrums cause they wanted some too.....sorry guys,  not today

Faithy chose Burger Fuel for dinner ...great choice

Ella literally wanted a 'cheese' burger (she actually took  out the meat...lucky her Dad wasn't there to see it)

Time to leave when he started cleaning the floor.....with himself!

Straight into the lounge and PJs for The Croods....too easy!. Love that they love movies

The girlies were entertained for ages putting new little earrings on my jewelry holder

Lazy saturday for the kids, busy one for Mum cleaning. We all met on the deck for a corn chip, chocolate finger and banana break

Evening visit to Grandie's house. The kids were excited to see Uncle Craig cause I'd told them about him on the drive over (we'd been talking about the coconut tree car smelly things and they've always reminded me of him and his Corvette)

Nosey-ing around Grandie's room

Faith's really into Pita Pit but the other 2 weren't happy with it. Ella kept covering her mouth when I asked if she wanted one, as if all the food was totally disgusting! Lucky we were meeting Aunty Natty and the boys at Long Bay and she was brining hot dogs and chips

Play and dinner in the dark...seriously in the dark....who meets at the park for dinner and a play at 6:30pm in the winter??!?!?! Still fun for half an hour though

1st official tooth lost, and it was while eating lollies!

Movies and icecreams in the playroom

Seffy and his 'Hey Bro'

Finally asleep at almost midnight

Sleep at about 11:45pm and then up at 5:30am...what the heck??!?! Had to go to the playroom and contain them for as long as I could. We managed until 8am before I went into the kitchen and made everyone breakfast

After church at Sunset with Aunty Natty we headed home for lunch and hunted out for this chapel in our stake that we've never seen before. Was pretty cool finding a chapel that's about 5kms from home that was totally new to us

I put Seth straight in bed and expected (hoped) he'd have a decent nap. The girls were in jammies straight away and set up on the couch with crackers. When I walked back in the room about 10 minutes later this is what I found....Sweet! Everyone was asleep from about 3pm until 5:30.
Unheard of!

Poor Seth was so tired I actually had to wake him at 6:30 to have dinner before we went to the airport, otherwise I think he would've slept straight through the night

Last minute welcome home banner, a must for any homecoming

Sooooo excited to have Daddy and Dallin coming home....after 2 whole days!

This little Dilly needed at photo when she woke up on Monday morning because she slept from 9:30pm until 9:32 am. A whole 12 hours straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty incredible when she usually sleeps for about 4 hours at a time, 6 hours max. She must have been sooooooo exhausted!

And there you have it. Our weekend without Daddy and Dallin. Will add pics of the great trip they had soon. So happy for them to have had such a special time with family.

1 comment:

  1. Cool weekend for everyone :) Love the welcome home banner lol - your paper was a bit flasher than the good ol computer paper haha
