Tuesday 12 August 2014

Mummy & Ella Day (+ Dallin too of course!)

Yesterday Seth got shipped off to kindy for the day so I could have some special time with Ella.....we both needed some fun girl's time together.

Dilly got up just in the nick of time to come....such a sleepy dog yesterday morning. She didn't even have time to put her special date outfit on (that Ella had chosen the night before). She got whipped out of bed and put straight in the car for kindy/school drop-offs

Chillin' out while Dallin had her morning bottle

Out of jammies.....

And into her special clothes, thanks to Aunty Jill

And the shopping began....she was supposed to be getting one new church dress, new PJs, and an umbrella.

4 pairs of shoes, 2 dresses, 1 shorts, 1 t-shirt, umberella, PJs, slippers, socks, necklace and hair clips later and we were done!!!! She's a crazy shopper....'I want this, no I want this, this one's cool, my friend at kindy has this, please Mum I want that one'.....Mum was just thinking 'Save me!!!!'

Her choice of shopping treat

'Actually, I just really wanted the lollies, not the whole thing.' Flippn heck, could have just bought her 50c of lollies instead of a $5.50 frozen yoghurt!

Then it was home for an intermission in shopping while Dallin had a nap....she doesn't have the stamina of a 4 year old and 30something year old!

Our little glow worm with the buggy toy Ella chose for her

New Dora jammies and church shoes. One of the many combos of the afternoon

Gotta line stuff up to see what's what

And Dallin needed a costume change, another new outfit, this time from the Hall Whanau...so cool!

At it again....Kmart this time.

Loved my 'Ella-only Day' Judging by the amount I spent, I'll only be able to do it every second year!

1 comment:

  1. Cute. Looks like such a fun day!! Next time do it on one of my Spencer free days so I can come shopping with you guys too!! Love both of Dallin's outfits too :) x
