Monday 25 August 2014

FHE - An Attitude of Gratitude

Was time to talk about being thankful (Daddy Joe came back from Australia with things for the girls from Grandma and Grandad Heke that we wanted to say thank you for). They're pretty good at saying thank you, but it was cool to talk about how grateful we are for all of the blessings that we take for granted every day, like our bodies, the temple, money, kindy, Summerland, our peaceful country....

I got sheets ready for them to write thank you letters

We had strips of coloured paper ready to take turns writing what we're thankful for and then we stapled them together as a gratitude chain

I wrote 'thank you' on a piece of paper for Ella to copy and she wrote it as a mirror image on her cute to see her little brain working so hard

Not a great picture but we talked about the ten lepers being healed and how only one went back to say thank you

Had to take a pic of this song I wrote/drew about a year ago cause Faith was trying to learn it in Primary. It's been around the house for the whole year and we've still got every page of it...Wow, that's a miracle around here! We used it for our family item at a ward baptism last week. Now I've got a picture of it for when we inevitably lose a page or 2.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Love that lesson :) We really do have so much to be grateful for x
