Wednesday 13 August 2014

Stuff Lately x 14

I keep finding that people are shocked when we're out and I ask Ella or Faith to hold Dallin.  They needn't worry though, my big girls are so good with their baby sissy. Ella tippy toeing to put Dallin in the highchair was a bit dodgy though. She came into me in the lounge without her and said 'oh, she's alright, I put her in the highchair'. Don't think Dallin liked it!

Turns out none of the passport photos I took were good enough so we had to spend about 40 minutes at Warehouse Stationery trying to get more. She was over it by the time we got outta there. Will put it on the blog when it comes back.

Ella after going to her first friend's birthday party, up at Kiwi Valley Farm. Daddy Joe had all the girls there for a few hours and they loved did he. 

I always cook our sunday dinner and whatever it is (usually Roast Chicken), it's ready to eat within 15 mins of getting home from church. It's a big tricky with afternoon church but I've got it down to a fine art. Since  I put in so much effort for dinner, I've assigned my hubby dessert duty. So on a sunday night when the kids are in bed he has to make us a pudding. So far we've had ice-cream sundaes, peach sponge, caramel self saucing puddings and last week it was apricot pulp pastries. Another reason to look forward to sundays

Yay, Aunty Natty and the boys are finally back in Akl

Pretty cool to look after these two lil' rippers...Once the Hekes were in bed it was cool to chill out watching a movie with them. Jordy kept saying he was saving a seat for me and Hairdresser Kyky was on form with the 50 new clips Ella had gotten that day

So cute when I walked back in the room and saw this....

When I showed her Dad he said 'Cool, but I hope he didn't try and clip it on her head!!!' No, he just had it perched there

One of the two new deck toastie

Hardwork leaving the house with this guy sometimes....lucky he's so cute!

Can't help wrapping this angel snug as a bug every time she goes to bed, but I always find her like this when I sneak into the room to spy on her. And she might be graduating to the cot soon :(
....when her Mum can accept that her last baby is growing up!

1 comment:

  1. Cute piccies :) We better try out those new deck heaters before winter ends! ;)
