Monday 26 November 2012

A lil' more crafting

Here's a few more pics of the crafting I've done over the past couple of weeks.

Our calender for the 12 days of Christmas. Each bag has a small activity in it and will eventually have a lolly for each member of the family as well. In no particular order, the activities are listed below.

Read the nativity from the Bible

Sing 5 Christmas carols

Make and decorate Gingerbread Men
Watch a Christmassy DVD
Read 3 Christmas picture books
Write a letter to Santa
Drop off Christmas treats to 3 families in the ward
Take a Christmas photo of our family
Make an iceblock stick Christmas tree and decorate
Thumbnail rudolph art
Make mallowpuff holly and ivy treats and give to neighbours
Play Christmas games on the driveway and have a picnic for dinner

On sunday evening we heard a huge smash. The noise had come from whatever the girls were doing in our room...uh oh! I ran down to check if they were ok, and thank goodness they were. Faith had knocked off our big wooden framed mirror and it had smashed. When I asked her what happened she said 'anything, I'll go to my room'
Daddy Joe cleaned up all the glass and I made the frame into a notice board/kids art peg board for the office. The fluro post it notes are for Faith's talk in primary opening exercises this week. Exciting!

The chalkboard table that I wrote about a few weeks ago. Cool, but very miniature. Since making it I've realised it's kind of redundant when you can do chalk art on the driveway anyways....duh!

Pinterest Idea. Wrap 25 books (i just did 12) and open one per day for the 12 days of christmas. I'm not sure if the idea was that the books are new and they're like gifts. I just went into the girls rooms and chose 12 books off their shelves.

Cork Christmas tree idea off pinterest. I think this is the one Faith made. The ball and tree cone are creations from my own brain!

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