Thursday 1 November 2012

Pie Day Friday & Kids Choose Tuesday

I like to have variety in our evening meals but I also like to repeat easy, yum dinners like nachoes, spinach and mushroom pie, schnitzel + veges, devilled sausies, cashew masala + rice (from a jar!)

Every now and again I get onto Healthy Food Guide or Food in a Minute and pick out new recipes to try. Some weeks we have brand new things all week, and then I get slack and go back to the old faithfuls for a while.

The idea occured to me the other day to start a little tradition in our family around dinner time. And that's going to happen in the form of

Pie Day Friday & Kids Choose Tuesday (since tuesday sounds like 'chooseday')

Pie Day Friday will be as the name suggests, some kind of pie. Either a big family one, or individual ones in the pie-maker. When I bought our pie maker a couple of years ago it came with a recipe book of about 100 ideas I think. We've done about 10 of them, but I'd like to do some more. I'm hoping it will be fun to try new pies, and re-do our favourites on Friday nights.

Kids Choose Tuesday is going to be where the girls have alternating opportunities to choose what we have for dinner on that night. I'm guessing Faith will choose noodles, soup  or maybe Mac 'n Cheese.
I have no idea what Ella will choose, but I'm excited to find out so I think she can have first go.

Will keep you up to date on how we do with our special dinner nights.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Can't wait to hear how they go & to see what Ella chooses :)
