Monday 26 November 2012

One day = 3 firsts

Today was a momentous day for 3 reasons.

1. Seffy rolled over for the first time. And everytime he's been put on his back since, he's rolled straight over to his tummy. He must be pretty pleased with his new trick. Thank goodness he doesn't seem to mind, he just starts sucking his fingers while he waits for someone to flip him back!
This is the first roll.

2. Today Daddy Joe rang me and said the Christys had invited us over for dinner and FHE tonight. I was excited to go around and spend some time with their family, and I knew the girls would love going to the farm too.

I remembered hearing Nathan (Dad Christy) talking to another Dad yesterday at church about how he'd caught a lot of fish up North the day before. The thought occured to me that maybe today was the day for me to try fish. I almost rang Daddy Joe to tell him but decided not to put that pressure on myself, but just play it by ear. When we got there, the boys stood at the barbie talking and Heidi and I chatted inside (typical). We talked about how I don't eat seafood but I'd thought about trying it. She encouraged me to give it a go, so I did! Nathan cut me off a little bit (Kingfish I think) and I braved a bite. I struggled through with a screwed up face while he kept saying 'it's all in  your head, it's all in your head'. And he was totally right. As I was eating it I was thinking, this isn't bad, but I was still cringing. So there you have it, I've now eaten fish and it was 'all goods!!!' I didn't manage trying the prawns too, baby steps...

Just prior to eating the fish

And Number 3. The pictures probably speak for themselves. My lil pony scared girl has now been for her first horsey ride, which probably turned into 10 rides. They didn't come in till it was pretty much pitch black and we could see them in the field anymore. Now when she says 'I like horses', she might actually mean it!

We didn't leave there till nearly 10pm cause the kids were having such a good time and the adults kept chin wagging. We've just got home and given the girls showers and Faith looks like this, a funny bung eye either from being around the horse, or maybe hayfever!?!?

All in all an unexpected, fun and exciting day

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