Sunday 25 November 2012

Henderson Stake Luau

On Saturday night we had our much anticipated Stake Luau. During the week leading up to it I was organising decorations with another sister in our ward, Heidi Christy. On Tuesday and Thursday we had a Cook Island dance practise (our ward was assigned to do a raro item). And then on Friday we went to Peter and Nancy's wedding/baptism and stayed on to decorate afterwards. It was the never-ending activity, kinda sad it's all over!

The baptism made me really teary. The couple are so excited to become members of the church and they come to everything with their 2 children. It reminded me of the 'on the way home' movie cause that family really knows what they doing, and they want to be baptised. It was really heartwarming to see the smiles on Peter and Nancy's faces  :) And it came about cause their neighbours are members and started taking Peter and Nancy's kids to church a few months ago (with 6 of their own!)

So because there was such a good turn out at the baptism, there was lots of people to decorate....yay! Many hand make light work so they say. We were still there till midnight though!

Luau Set up. After a while, Joe put his iphone on through the speaker system and we listened to his many aadijah songs can you listen to in a night? Heaps!!! Everyone was lovn' it :)

Our cool primary president took all the kids into the nursery room and looked after them. They watched movies, made swords, hats and Bishop bought them back some snacks. These are the last 2 playing in the beds as everything got packed away. Well Ella was playing, Ethan had fallen alseep!

Anyone surprised?

Peutiful Mac

My gorgeous lil' Tahitian princess

Seffy came dressed for the party in his lil boardshorts with hibiscus flowers on them.  Thanks Willoughbys :)
And a t-shirt with a surfboard. Thanks Leones :)

Diggin' in to good old ice-cream and fruit salad

Just as Daddy Joe got his two plates full of food he was called into the room to practice for the raro item so his food got put in the car for safekeeping. As soon as it was over I found him outside scoffing down all the leftovers

What the? The Stoners having a good laugh at Pete's lavalava knot. Ask BZ about it

When we got in the car I said I wanted to get a B-U-R-G-E-R. I thought I'd put the kids in bed and go alone to save spending money on buying everyone something. You can't very well take them through the drive thru and say 'no you ate earlier, just watch me get a big mac combo!' But Daddy  Joe said we could all go and they could get a pack of nuggets each. The girls responded with hardout excited shaking and squealing when I said 'Let's go to McDonalds'. I told them to smile for the camera and this is the shot. Faith smiling and Ella hitting her saying 'no you not look at Mum's camera Faify!!!!'

1 comment:

  1. Cool post :) So glad you had a fun time!! Totally wasn't surprised when Jo sent me through that pic of Mac lol. Typical!! That's so cool how the Primary president looked after all the kids
