Tuesday 20 November 2012

A positive change :)

I seem to do better with goals/resolutions when I've put them out there for others to know about. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I feel accountable to others because I told them, or I'm too proud to fail cause other's know about it. I can think of 2 instances at least where this has worked really well. One was when I made my goal to run the Rotorua 10kms in 2009. That was massive for me. I hate running, can't do it, had never done it and knew that it would be really really hard. And it was. But I did it. And it was one of the best feelings of my life to run over that finish line knowing that I had accomplished something that I had previously thought was impossible for me. It was probably at that moment that I realised that even seemingly impossible, hard, difficult, challenging things can be achieved if I practice, try and have a real desire to get there.

Another time that this has worked was when I did a talk in sacrament on goals on January 1st this year. During the talk I confessed that I can never seem to keep my goal of reading the Book of Mormon EVERY day. I had considered not adding it to the goal list this year cause I consistently fail at it, so I figured, just don't even try that one this year. That kind of annoyed me cause I felt that would mean I'd been defeated and was being lazyt. So I explained all that in my talk and admitted that once again it would go on my list, with a renewed determination that this would be the year that I'd conquer this demon, and so far that's exactly what I've done.

So with that background in mind, I'm going to put my new goal 'out there', the one that I put on my 'no empty chair' card to commemorate 6 years since without Mum here :(.

This is it....

'BE MORE POSITIVE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE, SEE THE GOOD IN THEM, FIND GOOD IN WHAT OTHERS DO AND IN THEIR EFFORTS, LOOKS, SKILLS, PERSONALITIES'. This may seem a little odd, but it bothers me how negative and judgmental I can be about other people. Sometimes I come home from church or kindy or anywhere and start pointing out things that they did that were weird, silly, not how I would do them. Why do I do that? I don't know, but it's got to stop. I'm going to look for the good and if I've got nothing nice to say, I'm going to keep my trap shut!

Please help me out!

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