Monday 5 November 2012

Henderson Stake Sister's Group

In our stake there's a Sister's group. There's about 10 sisters who get together every now and again, sometimes weekly, sometimes fortnightly, or whenever someone has a crafty idea for us to do together.

Since I started going in about April this year, I've probably been about 10 times. Each and every time I've throughly enjoyed myself and come away with either something I've made, a new skill I've learned and always a happy feeling in my heart that I've spent time with like-minded sisters...friends who have the same values and standards as me and my family.

Some of the things we've done that I don't have photos of......
-we made a girls tutu (no sewing involved). I can't take a photo cause it's in Ella's toybox and she's asleep)
-cupcake decorating (very very yum and I was so inspired that I've asked Melissa Tapusoa to buy me a few supplies cause she's in the States at the moment and everything's 10 times cheaper there)
-zumba (fun & embarrassing cause I'm so unco, and tiring cause I was about 38 weeks pregnant that week!)

We each brought something we'd made and then did a swap. The idea is that we'll eventually compile a recipe book. I took the chicken and bacon salad and caramel + nut popcorn.

This what we did when I hosted the Sister's group.  It was such a nice, sunny day that we sat on the deck and talked for a few hours and ate lunch together while the kids all played.

I made these headbands by hand-sewing small circles of fabric and adding a button. The oncsie was bought and I added the apples. Very cool personalised baby gift!

This is an advent calender that we made last week. We covered wooden pegs with christmas scrapbooking paper and embellished with bows and buttons. For the twelve days prior to christmas there will be a lollie bag hanging from each peg and an activity for us to do together.

This is a cool twist on a mother's day card. I didn't have my beautiful Mum to give this to, so I gave it to Daddy Joe and he filled it in with the girls. There's 10 cards and on each one they wrote something they love about me.

I am so enjoying the Sister's Group, both the chats and the crafts. I'm thinking it will be my turn to host sometime before Christmas so I've got a few ideas floating around about what to do. Keep posted and I'll add pics....

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