Wednesday 7 November 2012

I'm on a roll.....

The other night I thought of a couple of things I want to make the girls for Christmas. We had been planning on a trampoline being the one and only thing we buy this year, but that's quite pricey and with work as it has been lately we're probably going to put that off another year at this stage.

So I started browsing through my pinterest boards for some things I could make rather than buy. The trouble is that sometimes making things is far more expensive than going to Kmart and just buying (the same old problem I find with wanting to sew things, fabric is so expensive). Anyways, I decided on a few projects that I'd tackle and my girls would have handmade presents (with time and love put into them!)

They were a chalkboard table, a nailboard to make shapes with rubberbands and a waterplay bench. So I wrote my list and headed off to Mitre 10 and John's Emporium to buy a few supplies.

I'd already bought a cheap old coffee table on Trademe and I have chalkboard paint in the garage something I did earlier in the year so project number 1 was under control already.

We have nails and rubberbands so I only needed to buy a board for the nail/shapes thing.

And I think I'll try and build a bench and cut out holes for water containers (the girls are really into taking cups, pots, kitchen utensils outside and using them with the hose.....not sure what the game is but they love it. I'm not so keen cause I have to hunt for the things they've taken out and bring them inside and wash them. Despite telling them they should bring their things back inside, that's when they're all of a sudden so tired they can't even move.....typical!!!!!!

As I wandered around Mitre 10 I thought of a couple of other things I could do, and they're pretty much done already. Feeling very satisfied with my efforts today!

These were plain coloured planter boxes for $6 each. Since I'm trying to get the garden going, I thought I could personalise a mini-garden for each of the kids. Just need Daddy Joe to drill some holes in the bottom so water can drain out.

This family home evening board is half done. The idea is that I will fill in the middle with chalkboard paint so we can write on it each week. The salt dough handprints we made yesterday and painted them the primary colours to go with the church song. I bought some 'on and off' glue today after seeing the ad on TV for it. I'm hoping it does well at sticking the lettering on to finish it.

Better go and pick up Ella from Kindy now. No doubt she'll have a lot to tell me about Isaac, Maioha, Jermaine, Fania....all her lil' chums.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool Mum you are!!! You remind me of another Mum I know ;) You take after her in so many ways....your 3 little monkeys are so blessed to have you xxx
