Tuesday 13 November 2012

Roast Chicky....YUM!

Last sunday I think I mentioned we had invited a family over for dinner. There's a Mum, Dad and 2 children in the family so we decided that a good sunday dinner for all of us would be roast chicken, potatoes and veges.

Our guests didn't end up coming over but before we realised that I'd already put things in the oven, so we had loads of potatoes, 2 chickens and a decent amount of veges for just us. Dinner for 2 nights made at once....I wasn't complaining!

I would never dare to think that I'm a master chicken roaster, but boy do I give it a good go. Mum and Dad have worked on it for the last 30+ years and Dad in particular has gold medal winning roasts. Mine might have scraped in with a bronze compared with his, but I'm stoked. It was yum and when we sat and ate it together, I felt like a real adult. I made a full on sunday evening roast meal!

Here's some pics to prove it....

My goodness, he doesn't just have a smokn' hot, smart wife, but she can also cook a roast.....He really hit the jackpot

No matter how many times I tell Faith, she just can't seem to get out of the habit of wiping her dirty hands on her clothes rather than a cloth. This is her nice church top turned gravy brown....not a problem in her mind. She looks at me like I'm weird to tell her that's not ok!

Not only was I really really pleased with my cooking efforts, but it was topped of with surprisingly good behaviour at the dinner table. Usually it's me and Daddy Joe saying 'eat it or you'll go hungry', 'you can have water when you've had more to eat', 'stop tipping on the chair' etc. You get the picture. For some reason, we all sat nicely and talked, and ate.....for about 20 minutes. A minor miracle!

1 comment:

  1. oh man yum, that looks so good!!! uncle jo really hit the jackpot alright. good one pod wiping gravy hands on a white top. did it come out o.k?
