Wednesday 31 October 2012

Running Races

The price of putting kids into after school classes/sports is enough to send parents broke I reckon, or at least a non-working Mum to work. So with that in mind, the girls haven't done many things. In fact both the classes (swimming and gym) that Faith has done were given as presents from Aunty Nae and Uncle Stanie. Thank you!!!
Other than that, I've been waiting/saving for dancing when they're about 5.

That was until I heard about the Glendene Athletics club. It's held on wednesday afternoons from October - March, and they let 2-5 year olds enroll for the season for only $20. Bargain!!!!

So last Wednesday it was registration night and we were there full of anticipation. I was hoping, expecting that the girls would like it and boy was I right or what.

After a shaky start and tears on the first race for Ella, things improved for each of the 3 races.

Ella smoked her peers with a grin so big it nearly split her lil' cheeks. Faith was pumping her legs so fast it almost looked like they'd fly off her body.

Definitely a hit, we can't wait for 'races' next week!

2nd every time in the 4 year old Girl races

Super chuffed Daddy Joe was a top notch cheerer

Ella loving her life

Seffy not so much :(

We just went to Athletics night Number 2 and it's still a hit with the girls. Ella cried for race one again.  I really hope that doesn't happen every week cause the competitiveness in me knows that for each win she gets points and I want her to get maximum points!!!!!

Faith had faster competition this week so she got third in her first 2 races and then 4th in the last one. We've had to have a little discussion about getting a quick start off the mark and not slowing down at the end cause that's what made the difference in the last race. She realised other kids were in front of her so towards the end she totally slowed down and called out to me 'Mum I'm not winning!!!!!' Was funny and not at the same time.

They're really looking forward to have more supporters come and watch them one night.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man I can't wait to come & watch this!! Count me in as a supporter hard :) We'll be out one wednesday night soon xxx
