Sunday 14 October 2012

Green fingers

I've always enjoyed gardening. As a child/teenager I'd have bursts of gardening out the back of Mum and Dad's house.....with varying success. I remember doing great courgettes one year and beans another. The mint that Mum and I planted was very very successful....I've learned from that never to plant mint unless it's contained in a pot!

After we moved into Robertson Road last year I was chuffed and excited at the prospect of being able to start a vege garden after 4 years of living at Pupuke....driveway at the front door, concrete path at the back door. No place for a patch :(

I was a bit late in getting started (boxing day) so it didn't do too well. We got about 3 good tomatoes, quite a bit of  spinach and not much else. I was hopeful about my cauli and brocolli but they ended up going to seed.

This year I'm pretty determined to get it going really well. So far we've planted lots of seeds that are growing away on the deck in little pots.

We've got cucumber, cherry tomatoes, courgette, peas, beans, basil, brocolli, cauliflower, strawberries, chives....and a lemon tree and passionfruit vine as well.

I'm excited about this for a few different reasons:
-getting out in the fresh air to work in the garden (a little exercise!)
-spending quality time with the girls (and Daddy Joe) and teaching them about nature
-eating healthy food that we've grown ourselves
-saving money by growing our own veges

I'll keep posted with our progress.....

This was the garden along the front of the house in the pictures on trademe when we first came across the house

The garden along the kitchen window before I had a go at it.

Front of house before we moved in.

Now ready for planting

This was the grassy patch behind where Joe parks his truck. Now it has a lemon tree, about 6 tomato plants, oregano, fennel and flat leaf parsley.

This has a mixture of vege seedlings + the love rocks that we painted last week for FHE. We hope the family of rocks will look after our garden and help the veges grow big and yummy for us!

1 comment:

  1. You're so good at your garden too - it's looking great :) Hope the love rocks protect the garden from little green fingered kiddies too lol
