Sunday 7 October 2012

Bubba Jordy's 3rd birthday

Last weekend we went up to Kerikeri for Jordy's 3rd birthday party. Seems like just yesterday that sleepy, white little bundle arrived in this world. He's still a sleepy little white boy, just a bit bigger, very cute and quietly talkative (if that makes sense). We were so excited to go up and see him and his cool family. Unfortunately Daddy Joe had double booked himself so it was my first big trip with my 3 babies on my own.....and boy did they do well. Especially my little man. My goodness, he won the prize for best behaved baby. Yeeyah Seffy!!!!

We had a typical family meal on Friday when we got there.....McDs. Then straight back to the Willoughby's for party prep. Man that's a laborious job. We got it all done though and we did a very good job if I say so myself. Aunty Natty had thought of everything and as usual for an Ormsby party, the food did not disappoint.

The plunket rooms once again were a winner, and the weather came along to the party in a big way. Pirate and princess ponies were a real hit with all (most) of the kids....I think all except my little tough, rough, not scared of anything  Ella. She was pretty distraught at the sight of them. Despite my best efforts to get her on for a ride I couldn't manage it. Her behaviour around Ninja the puppy lead me to believe she's got a weak spot....animals. Luckily she doesn't know that Ninja climbed on her 3 times on saturday night while she was asleep!

On saturday afternoon after a little down time (water fight on the driveway) after the party, we headed over for a 'mosie' around Paihia. Is that a real word? Anyways.....we walked around Waitangi and then drove through the township. After that, back to Butler Ave to wind down.

It was so nice to be able to go to church with Aunty Natty and the boys at their little branch in Okaihau. Pretty laid back (kinda pre-historic with only 1 toy in nursery between 8 kids, seriously, 1 toy!) Aunty Natty's sacrament talk was really really good and I was so proud of her. She was so well prepared she presented it really nicely......and hearing her testimony......brilliant! Was the best timing for us to be up there for that.

Once church was over (almost) we hit the road and began our mission to get back to Daddy Joe in
Raa-noo-ee. Once again Seffy behaved amazingly well. The girls lasted pretty good until Wellsford and then completely broke down, screaming like mad things for about half an hour. I'm not kidding, it was pretty intense. Luckily I had my long-time mate Lionel Richie to keep me calm. I only had to pull over once and threaten to call the police for their bad behaviour.
We made it home just after 4pm and then began the unpacking...., cool, great, special family weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to do it all again. That's what life's about for me, family and funtimes!

Unfortunately I don't have a good camera so I've only got a few pics off my phone but they're better than nothing. Need to save my pennies to invest in a good cammy for all the blogging I'll be doing aye :)

Faith supposed to be going to sleep but enjoying a moment on the ipad......and her cousins next to her had iphones. Techy toddlers!

Bubba Chordy with Seffy at nursery....the ONE toy is scattered beside Jordy

Little Kyky chillin out in nursery with his cuzzies

Seffy with the typical head tilt going on

My sleepy little dog. This shot was taken on sunday morning at 9am. He'd been asleep since 8:30pm the night before with loud as cousins and aunties and uncles and a dog in the house and still he wouldn't wake up...what the?!!
Too bad he hasn't kept it up, last night was waking up every 1.5 hours!

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