Sunday 28 October 2012

The Yard

When Daddy Joe does work with Glen we always hear about the boys at 'the yard'. Most of the boys are from Hamilton so they come up on a Monday and stay at the yard during the week.

Faith's been there for a visit to Grandad Sonny last year, but the rest of us had never been...until last Friday night on our way to Hamilton. To save time, I took the kids to meet Daddy Joe there and we kept heading South together.

Was cool to see this place called the yard. It was kind of what I expected. I couldn't take hardout photos of it like I would have liked cause Glen and about 4 other boys had just got themselves a big feed of KFC so they were all sitting around filling their puku's. Would have looked at little strange if I walked in and hardout went snap happy on the joint. It's pretty much a truck, tools, beds, bathroom, kitchen, TVs, weights and stuff like that.

Here's a couple of shots of the kiddies in the 'Shotcrete Auckland' Yard.

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