Sunday 14 October 2012

My lil' Ella Bella Butt Butt

Kids are all one of a kind.....and this saying is so true of my lil Ella Bella. Here's some of the happs in her world lately

I needed a blood test so we went out to see Phelbotomist Extrodinaire (Aunty Beezy) in Kumeu this morning. She was telling me the other day that she thinks it's good for kids to see their Mums have blood tests so they can realise they're not bad and scary. Wise advice I think, even though I hope Ella won't ever need one in her whole life!

A couple of nights ago using Mum and Dad's bed as a trampoline turned into a bloody mess (literally!). Ella came running out of the room screaming with blood dripping from her face. I was scared it might from a tooth being knocked out, but it was just a bleeding nose from bumping it on Faith's leg

One of Ella's fun things to do is play with pens and put the lids on her fingers
She loves to line things up (like pens, blocks, puzzle pieces, stickers, lollies, anything)

Last week I heard her running around saying 'come on horsey'. When I saw her 'horsey' I was unravelled roll of masking tape?!?!?1

Ella insisted on putting her knickers on herself...good one!

1 comment:

  1. Love your horsey precious. That's a pretty good imagination you've got there :) Good try at putting your own knickers on too might need a bit more practice with that one!!
