Monday 22 October 2012

My Faithy KK (4 years 2 months)

My big baby girl is just over 4 years old and she's definitely got likes and dislikes. Inspired by Mac Attack's list of favs last week, I did a little interview with Pod and here's her responses.

What different names to people call you? Poddy, Puddy Parm Parm, Faithy, My Fidiosey, Pananampalataia (Tagalog for Faith), Fa'atuatua (Samoan for Faith)

What do you like to do when we're having a 'stay at home day'? Play some games, watch a movie

What's your favourite dinner? Soup and noodles

What's your favourite breakfast? Cheerios

What's your favourite drink? Juice (the green one that Charlie has)

What's your favourite DVD? I don't know, oh actually Transformers, Pirates of the Carribean

Who's your best friend? Let me guess, Charlie? Yip, Charlie

What's your favourite treat? NMNs (I'm thinking that's M & Ms)

What's your favourite colour? Pink

When you're a Mum, what will you name your daughter? Aloe Vera (What the!?!?!) I couldn't understand this answer but now I've found out there's a girl at her Kindy called Alvira, I think she must like the name.

When you're a Mum, what will you name your son? Jack

If you had $100, what would you buy at the shops? Pigs, horses and heaps of mouses

Who's your favourite movie character? Ella Enchanted

What's your favourite animal? Zebra

What's your favourite thing to do when the weather's nice? Play up at the school

After this little quiz I'm left thinking
1.Cool, I'm glad you like such easy, cheap dinners
2. You're never getting $100 if that's what you'd spend it on
3. Lucky Charlie's back at school now so you can stop talking about him every 2 seconds
4. I love you so so so much my little big sissy

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm - I'm left thinking alot of things after that little quiz too like
    1. Your Mum makes YUM AS dinners so what's up with the soup & noodles answer???!!!
    2. Tagalog for Faith I couldn't even read let alone say out loud lol so remind me to get her to say it next time I see yous
    3. I'm a little bit sad cause I thought Aunty Nae was your besty??? :( I can bring you a yummier juice than the green one Charlie has...& some M&M's - will that do the trick?
    4. Aloe Vera/Alvira - really??? lol
    5. Haha, yeah you're never getting $100 from me either. Rethink what you'd spend it on & I might change my mind :)
    Nah those were cool answers Pod - I know you'll get the besty answer right next time honey. Don't worry Aunty Nae still loves you xxx
