Tuesday 16 October 2012

Pinterest Fun

So I regularly get on pinterest and pin new ideas that I think I'd like to do some day soon, or way down the track. In fact, some of them are very far-fetched dreams (my dream home folder!)
I'm slowly making my way through some of the recipes on my 'yummy food' board.....but that's about as far as I've gone with actually doing anything.

One morning last week I found Ella in one of my craft drawers (unfortunately all my craft stuff is very accessible to her sneaky hands). I had to scream at her not to tip out a bag of about 1000 buttons on the kitchen floor and she was so upset that I was going to take them off her that I thought, what the heck, let's actually do something with them. So that began a little effort on my part to do have some pinterest fun with my girlies. It was cute to watch them try and do things and see the smiles on their faces when they were done and looked proudly at their accomplishments. I love that even though they're so young, they've already got their own style of writing and doing things.

It remains to be seen if Ella will be a lefty or righty. I promise I won't sway her either way!

Faith's handwriting is super sweet. She's doing so well with it.....especially now that she writes her name properly again. (she went through a weird stage of forgetting the 'a' every time so she was writing 'Fith'.)

Our 2nd burst at making/doing something was painting coloured rocks for our soon-to-be thriving vege garden. They were supposed to be smooth rocks with hearts on them but we only managed to find bumpy, ugly rocks around the property and paint them different colours. Even though they're a bit rough looking, they add a bit of character and help the plants know that they are well loved! I'm not really into painting things because of the mess so this was a big effort for me. Glad I did it though, the girls enjoyed it, and didn't get too much paint on their pants in the process.

 Another activity was to draw coloured dots on paper towels and then dip the paper in water. As the water was absorbed through the paper it made the colour run on the paper. They thought it was magic!

Then we carried on with the 'water absorption' thing and set up cups with the primary colours. I talked to Faith about how the colours would fill up the empty cups in between and they would mix to make new colours. She couldn't predict what new colours would be made so it was cool to show her in the end what happened. The photo's not great quality but it worked really well.

And lastly, for the time being, we decorated egg carton boats for FHE. Ella was chuffed the buttons came out again. She went mental when I took her little stash out of her PJ pocket before bedtime.

They both named their boats cause Daddy Joe said boats have to have names.
Ella's is called 'The Yellow Ella boat' and Faith's is 'The Black Pearl' Pirates of the Carribean is at the forefront of her mind obviously!

I told them I'd let them play with the boats in the bath tonight but now I'm not so sure that's a good idea. Last night their play in the bath got a little out of control and when Daddy Joe got home from work he walked in to see them and slipped on all the water they'd been splashing out. Luckily no injuries but it could have been bad :(

1 comment:

  1. Man that all looks like so much fun!! I'd pinned that paper towel water one as well so we'll have to give it a go sometime :) How did we live before pinterest aye!! I love your button flowers my beautiful girlies xoxo
