Wednesday 31 October 2012

We went to Mt Albert (oops, Mt Eden!)

Faith keeps saying we went to Mt Albert the other night. Then she has to correct herself....'Oops Mum, I mean Mt Eden, the big Volcano).

This weekend a year ago we moved into 3 Robertson Road, Ranui. A big milestone in our lives. If we're anything like Grandma and Grandie we'll drive our kids past this place in 30 years when we've longsince moved somewhere else and say 'that's the first home we owned'. The Mel and Joe Heke equivalent of Brookfield Street.

And what a wonderful year it's been here. We love Swanson Ward, we love our neighbours, we love Summerland and Stars Kindy. It's been good all round (except the part about not living close to our family anymore...that's a big downside!)

So on Saturday night to celebrate our one year anniversary, we went out for a family dinner to Mt Eden. Faith's been learning about 'bocanoes' at Kindy so she just about jumped out of her skin when I told her we were going to go to the top of one and have pizza and chippies for dinner. From her reaction I could tell she thought we were going to be seeing lava and rocks flying everywhere as we sat with our pizza boxes and watched it. Ella caught on to Faith's excitement and for once in their lives they actually got dressed into warm clothes quickly and even put their own shoes on. Quite a change from the usual 'hurry up' nagging that I have to do to get anyone in this family out the door!

Here's some pics of our evening.

Mini choccy pavs for celebration dessert

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Good ol' neck killer this age they never seem to complain, but that's gotta hurt!

Pretty sweet playground at the bottom of the mountain

A wall Daddy Joe did a couple of months ago at the bottom of Mt Eden

Who does this remind you of? If there's any doubt I'm Kelvin's daughter......

Here's to one brilliant year at Robertson Road, and many more to come!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man that looks like you had a cool as night. We'll come with you next time :)
