Tuesday 23 October 2012

Labour Weekend in Hamilton

Last weekend the girls stayed with their cuzzies and Aunties and Uncles in Hamilton. Daddy Joe, Seffy and I went down with them on Friday night and spent Saturday there. On Saturday night we left them in the capable and loving hands of Aunty Tan and Aunty Sarah.

We kind of anticipated tears as we drove away.....Faith ended up being fine, playing in Aunty Sarah's car taking photos of herself. Ella cried, as we expected, but not for the reason we expected. She wasn't sad her parents were leaving, rather upset that her cousin Te Korowai was sitting in her carseat. Ella!!!!! It wasn't even her seat.

 Oh well, at least they were happy to be staying for a sleepover!

Daddy Joe and I had a nice break. It felt like we were childless cause Seffy is so cruisy and well-behaved:)

By the time the girls came back on Monday afternoon we were missing them like crazy. Faith had won Anaru's heart and Ella had a ball at Aunty Johnny's!

Thank you to our wonderful family for loving our girls and having them for the weekend.

On Friday night we got to Aunty Bex and Uncle Niki's place and they weren't there so we went to visit Aunty Clarissa and Te Korowai. By the time we got back to Aunty Bex's house it was late and after a bit of talking in the lounge, Ella was exhausted so went into the room and put herself to sleep.

Sick of the adults talking so she thought 'what the heck, I'm off to bed!'

All the babies at the table ready to feast on Lamayne's birthday dinner

Ella with Aunty Tan, Noah and Reegan saying goodbye

Faith playing with the camera in Aunty Sarah's car as we left

Uncle Joe doing Jujitsu with the boys in the lounge

A yummy family dinner at Wendy's  on Labour Day

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