Sunday 14 October 2012

Dry Packing

On Tuesday 26th August, 2008 I did dry packing for the first time. I know the date precisely because the next morning my waters broke with Faith and the day after she was born.

Anyways, since that very first time when Barbara Custer showed me how to do it, I've thought it's a brilliant idea and wanted to take advantage of it. Do other people just think they'll be ok with no food in a disaster or something? I'd hate my family to go hungry and watch my children starving just because I didn't pack and store food in case of a disaster (that will surely come one day!) That reminds me, I need to get on to storing more water.

Since moving to Henderson Stake I haven't done much, only a couple of sacks of rice. So it's time to get back into the habit of adding to our food storage. On the 1st thursday of each month I'm aiming to add to what we've already got. Even if it's just one $5 bag of flour like I did last week. It all adds up right.

Now that the girls are getting older I figure they can get involved too, either by pushing on the foot pedal or drawing on the bags or something. Then we'll use Daddy Joe's muscles to carry the bags to the garage. Seffy can help by looking cute and watching!!!!

There's info about the basics of home storage here if you're reading this thinking you might like to start/continue on your welfare gathering. I think it's about time I looked over myself it to check off how we're doing. I know we're definitely lacking with water which is a bit of a worry. And I remember hearing once that general conference time is a good chance to check children's packs and possibly change the clothes they've got as they grow so much. Better do that since it's conference this weekend......Actually come to think of it I have nothing for my Seffy so there's something I need to do pronto!

And speaking of Conference, here's some pics of how we did it this year.....We got in our church clothes and got the girls set up with popcorn, church books, Friend Magazines, colouring pencils, etc. Seffy laxed out on the tri-pillow and me and Daddy Joe sat on the couches reading. I really liked doing it like this.

1 comment:

  1. You're so good at this. I really need to get my A into G!!!
