Monday 31 March 2014

Pre Baby Weekend Escape

Last weekend my hubby and I managed to escape for a night without our children, a tradition before a new baby arrives (before Ella we went to Tutukaka for 2 nights, before Seth we went to Rotorua for 2 nights, and this time we went to Papamoa for a night). Just what we both needed!!!! Thanks to Aunty Tan and Uncle Jonathon for having Ella and Seth and Aunty Sarah for having Faith!

It was a whirlwind trip and we loved every minute of it.

When we arrived we unpacked and went to the hot pools at the bottom of the Mt. So nice to be at pools and not have a child or 2 or 3 hanging off us. Then we went down the main street and found a place for dinner.

On Sunday we went to Welcome Bay ward and then back to the caravan for lunch before heading back to the kiddies.

These trips stand out so much in my memory. I think it's because they happen so few and far between and it's time when we can relax without our children before another one joins the throng.....only 2 weeks to go now!

The bar we went to for dinner had old 70s/80s furniture and this wall cabinet reminded me of the old cupboard we used to have at the back of the lounge...hideous

The gate at the front of the caravan park cracked us up. It was sooooo slow., we even had to think of what we would do in an emergency cause waiting for this could get you killed!

Heading home with one extra person in the car meant we got to see what it will be like to travel with the baby....squishy but fine

And a big thanks to Aunty Natty for letting us stay at her caravan. It was awesome!

Thursday 27 March 2014

Heke Kid's photo

Our Heke Kidlets (March 2014)
Faith 5 years 7 months
Ella 3 years 10 months
Seth 1 year 8 months

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Faith update (incl. dentist visit!)

Talking on the phone with Uncle Ez in Australia

Sitting with her 7 boyfriends for lunch!

Playing quietly by herself while I was sewing a few nights ago

Dress ups from the garage while Dad was doing weights

Morning of the tooth extraction (sad and exciting)

She was so brave and it went like a dream. No pain, no tears, she just did everything the dentist asked and it was all over completely painlessly in about 15 minutes

My new daughter!!!!! (with a fat lip from the numbing cream)

Totally had it after having her tooth out (but still clinging onto the tooth fairy pillow)

Shopping at Pak N Save for her home learning project (blog post to come), with her tooth fairy pillow of course!

She's so chuffed with her $2 from the tooth fairy when she woke up. I think she's going to use it at the bake sale tomorrow at school that 2 girls are doing for their home learning project to raise money for Starship hospital.

My big girl is growing up....not sure how I feel about it. Well actually pretty sad to be honest :(

Monday 24 March 2014

Vege Lasagne

I love lasagne (meat or vegetarian)!!!!

Tonight's dinner was a vegetarian one with most of the ingredients from our garden (all except the mushrooms) which made it even better than usual.

Vegetarian Lasagne


3 courgettes
5 big button mushrooms
About 15 cherry tomatoes
4 small eggplants
1 yellow capsicum
1 green & 1 red chilli

Cut everything up into little pieces and cook in the pan. Add1 tin of pasta sauce

Cheese sauce

125g butter
4 tbsp flour
2 c milk
1 1/2 c grated cheese
salt 'n pepper

Melt butter, add flour and mix. Gradually whisk in milk over low heat. Sauce will start to thicken now, and even more when the cheese is added.

Layer the lasagne starting with veges, cheese sauce, pasta all x 3, then top with grated cheese and cook at 180C for about 40 minutes.

Sunday 23 March 2014

March Date Night

March's date night was another friend's birthday. Very different to the last one we went to in February, and once again we had a great time.

First of all, the day (and whole previous week) was completely consumed with the never-ending umu. I say never ending because it was first scheduled for last  october, then december, then jan, feb and finally March. I am so glad to have it over with and judging by my husband's exhaustion and relief after it was done I think he felt the same.

Seffy's always happy if his bike comes with him wherever we're going

Miss Tutti Fruiti

In the rush between getting home from the umu and going out on our date I quickly gave the kids cheese toasties and bathed them. By the time I came out of my room all primped and preened they were fast asleep.....didn't even make it until the babysitter got there to watch a movie and have their lolly bag + strawberry milk!

Didn't take much encouragement from the Sherwood ladies for my disco hubby to get up

A wonderful party for a wonderful friend.....Trish (Mrs Inch)

My future fashion blogger

Ella loves make up, boobies (bras), babies, nail polish, dresses. Here's some proof

The latest page for her book of remembrance. Trying to get a few jobs done before the baby comes!! still procrastinating on the family movie though :(

One of the regular blogs I read is about a lady who sews/alters clothes and puts together really cool outfits (usually). She takes great photos of her combos and that's what I thought of when Ella came out with this ensemble on...hence the posed fashion shots!!!!! She kept saying the outfit was just perfect!

There's room for improvement I know but Ella really does put a lot of thought into the clothes she wears...believe it or not!

She just came in again to me and said 'I look perfect aye Mum...with my boobs'

She is such a visual person, always noticing what people are wearing, the kind of car they drive, if they've got 'special' hair, even how people stand when they're on the phone (she always likes to copy how the receptionist at kindy talks on the phone!) Most days she tells me how beautiful people look when they're wearing dresses and makeup.

I can't wait to see how she dresses when she's 10, 20, 30... (hopefully more modestly than at the moment)

Races have finished for another year....speedy Ella blitzed the 12 or so girls in her category! Maybe it's her speedy racing singlet!