Monday 24 March 2014

Vege Lasagne

I love lasagne (meat or vegetarian)!!!!

Tonight's dinner was a vegetarian one with most of the ingredients from our garden (all except the mushrooms) which made it even better than usual.

Vegetarian Lasagne


3 courgettes
5 big button mushrooms
About 15 cherry tomatoes
4 small eggplants
1 yellow capsicum
1 green & 1 red chilli

Cut everything up into little pieces and cook in the pan. Add1 tin of pasta sauce

Cheese sauce

125g butter
4 tbsp flour
2 c milk
1 1/2 c grated cheese
salt 'n pepper

Melt butter, add flour and mix. Gradually whisk in milk over low heat. Sauce will start to thicken now, and even more when the cheese is added.

Layer the lasagne starting with veges, cheese sauce, pasta all x 3, then top with grated cheese and cook at 180C for about 40 minutes.

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