Wednesday 19 March 2014


On sunday afternoon we got home from church and had no dinner planned let alone made. Since we started 1 o'clock church I've mastered the art of a roast chicken dinner with a bit of planning and cooking before we leave at 12:30pm. But after getting back from Hamilton on Saturday night and realising I had a chicken but not potatoes I knew it wouldn't work. At that point I should have thought of plan B but I shoved it to the back of my head and hoped it would go the family would just be ok with no dinner that night?!?!?

Unfortunately that wasn't the case and everyone, especially Faith came home from church really hungry. I tried to distract her while I thought of what I could whip up. The best I could do was cheese and pesto toasties. Usually they're not a hit in our house but everyone must have been so famished that they were asking for more once I'd started packing it all up.

I didn't really feel like them so I told Daddy Joe I'd wait till the kids were in bed and think of an 'adults' dinner. It also took me a while to think of what that would be, but eventually I settled on asking him to make us pancakes (with golden syrup, cream and peaches....yum!)

Turns out he's not a pancake pro and they were more like what I would call panfritters (because he thought they were sticking with butter in the pan so he cooked them in oil instead!)

We both had a good laugh and I suggested he have a lesson or 2 from Uncle Jonathon who makes the best homemade pancakes I've ever had.

I know our kitchen's a bit of a disaster but seriously, it never looks like this when I'm cooking!

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