Monday 10 March 2014

16 hours later!

On Monday Daddy Joe was tasked with finishing the construction of our new sandpit!
I worked and so I wasn't here to see exactly how the day panned out...suffice to say it was another 8 or so hours on top of Saturdays 8 hours before it was ready for the kids to play in it!!!

Ella dropped 2 bowls of noodles in it by accident!!!! (that was before we had our meeting about sandpit protocol and she got told about washing up, no food, no throwing sand etc.)

Don't worry Grandie, the girls now how to hose off and there's a towel at the front door for them at all times!

This was the little play at the school sandpit last week the inspired the request for Daddy to build a sandpit. Seth and Ella played in there for ages one morning after all the kids went into class
I can't believe how popular sandpits are with kids. This was yesterday at lunchtime...about 40 kids were hardout playing (not even just little 5 year olds either)
A good 16 hours and $200 later time will tell if the effort and cost was worth it. At this point all the kids are really really happy with Daddy's loving service for them.

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