Friday 14 March 2014

Stuff Lately x 4

Faith has to do spelling tests with me every afternoon. She moans through it but loves to see the score at the end

I ummed and ahhed about attempting a family photo when the form came home from school. Still not sure if it was worth it, but either way I'm glad we tried. The girls behaved great but Seth on the other hand will either have a straight face or a grumpy, crying face I think.

We had to drop the car off for a service one morning last week. The girls were at school/kindy and I walked down to labtests for the 1 hour glucose test. That left the boys needing something to do for the 2.5 hours while we waited to be able to go back to the car. When I got back to them after about 1 1/4 hours, they'd spent that whole time walking around the warehouse! Just after that Daddy Joe decided to run home and get his truck so we didn't have to wait anymore (don't know why we didn't take 2 cars in the first place!!!!)

All the kids are good movie watchers. Lately Seth loves getting set up on our bed with Shrek and a bankie (blanket)...his fave!

Ella's more often than not got a baby (toy) under her t-shirt or dress. I couldn't believe it when I went in to her room on my way to bed to find this. She'd stuffed a packet of nappies down her ballet costume and was fast asleep!

Asleep with her flash new shoes from Aunty Natty (like mother like daughter!)

Aunty Natty got the girls cool Sketcher's shoes when she went to Sydney and it's prompted many a shoe tying lessons

Seffy's a pro on this little bike, much better than either of the girls ever were (granted Faith didn't get on it much with living in the flat). He whizzes over to the dairy no sweat and knows when to stop at the roads and where to turn for our street and little cookie

A bit of afternoon water play.....

I saw an idea on pinterest of adding coloured ice-cubes to the bath. Won't add the nudey pictures of how much they enjoyed it but it was pretty fun for all 3 of them

On Sunday morning Ella got a little telling off so she had to go to her room. When I went down to her she was cuddled up on Faith's bed and said she wanted to have a sleep. I didn't think it would last, but she really meant it. At 9:30am on a sunday morning she had a full on 2 hour sleep!

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