Wednesday 26 March 2014

Faith update (incl. dentist visit!)

Talking on the phone with Uncle Ez in Australia

Sitting with her 7 boyfriends for lunch!

Playing quietly by herself while I was sewing a few nights ago

Dress ups from the garage while Dad was doing weights

Morning of the tooth extraction (sad and exciting)

She was so brave and it went like a dream. No pain, no tears, she just did everything the dentist asked and it was all over completely painlessly in about 15 minutes

My new daughter!!!!! (with a fat lip from the numbing cream)

Totally had it after having her tooth out (but still clinging onto the tooth fairy pillow)

Shopping at Pak N Save for her home learning project (blog post to come), with her tooth fairy pillow of course!

She's so chuffed with her $2 from the tooth fairy when she woke up. I think she's going to use it at the bake sale tomorrow at school that 2 girls are doing for their home learning project to raise money for Starship hospital.

My big girl is growing up....not sure how I feel about it. Well actually pretty sad to be honest :(


  1. Faith is the most adorable little lady ever! I bet her hygienists and dentist couldn't get enough of her cuteness. Hahaha! It seems like she was a real trooper during her dentist visit. I bet you were so proud of her. In any way, thanks for sharing that beautiful milestone, Melissa! Thanks for sharing that! :)

    Rudy Spencer @ LBDP

  2. Faith is a really beautiful child you must be so blessed to have her in your life. My husband and I have 3 daughters and they can be a lot of work sometimes but we love them dearly, all are going to school now and are getting so independent, it is amazing to see happen, thank you for sharing pictures.

    Joanna @ Westheimer Dentist
