Sunday 23 March 2014

March Date Night

March's date night was another friend's birthday. Very different to the last one we went to in February, and once again we had a great time.

First of all, the day (and whole previous week) was completely consumed with the never-ending umu. I say never ending because it was first scheduled for last  october, then december, then jan, feb and finally March. I am so glad to have it over with and judging by my husband's exhaustion and relief after it was done I think he felt the same.

Seffy's always happy if his bike comes with him wherever we're going

Miss Tutti Fruiti

In the rush between getting home from the umu and going out on our date I quickly gave the kids cheese toasties and bathed them. By the time I came out of my room all primped and preened they were fast asleep.....didn't even make it until the babysitter got there to watch a movie and have their lolly bag + strawberry milk!

Didn't take much encouragement from the Sherwood ladies for my disco hubby to get up

A wonderful party for a wonderful friend.....Trish (Mrs Inch)

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