Wednesday 30 January 2013

A house of Fasting

On Monday evening when Daddy Joe and Ella got home from their weekend in Hamilton, we had FHE. It was a continuation of last weeks lesson, focusing this week on 'a house of fasting'.

We started by talking about opposites....
big - little

And talking about fast, that led us into our lesson.

What does it mean to fast? Faith said that's when Dad's not hungry!
We told her it's about how we show that we have faith Heavenly Father listens to us and knows the desires that we have for ourselves and others. It shows that we can put aside food in order to receive greater things. It's about obedience.

I challenged her to join in on Fast sundays by missing breakfast before we go to church. She said 'no, I don't want to'. I told her it was her choice but I think she's old enough.
I gave her some ideas of different things we could fast for and she started to be keen. It was really sweet to see her countenance change as she realized that she could help herself and her family by fasting. And coincidentally it's fast sunday coming up so I'm excited to see what happens.

This was the game we played for FHE. It's been in my present drawer for months. The girls have finally discovered that my bottom drawer doesn't have clothes in it! Faith's really wanted to play it for ages and I always say no so she was really excited that it was finally a yes. And Ella's in love with it, but she's also good at putting the bugs away in the box to have a sleep too.
This was a very messy 'can I help Mum?' Would have been easier to say no but she kept saying 'Mum I really want to help you' How could I say no to that?

5 minutes after helping me with the dinner (in the pic above), I asked her to sit on the couch and play with Seffy. This is how I found them after I finished cooking the, dodgy babysitting Faith!!!

The girls are loving these. They've probably had about 10 each today

Auckland Anniversary Day

A beautiful sunny Auckland Anniversary day with Faith, Seth and our Ormsby familia....Wonderful!!!
Aunty Nae's got good pics on her blog too. You can get to them  here

Pency really enjoyed the exercise equipment

Good one Aunty Beezy. Poor little Pence being beaten up by his Aunty :(

Serious business for Uncle Pete and Uncle Stanie


This is how the kiddies were on the drive home.....

On another note, some little punk did this artwork on our letterbox between 6-7pm on Sunday evening. I know that cause it wasn't there when we went to choir and it was there when we got home. Faith really wanted to call the police about it so I had to put the phones out of her reach and I saw her with 1-1 put into the phone

Saturday 26 January 2013

Faith's church talk

Today Faith had a talk to do for opening exercises in Primary. We practised it all week and she did really well.

She even had to sing a little song and boy did the sing like a star. She accidentally repeated one of the sentences and started giggling at the end saying 'i did that two times by accident!' Cute!!!!

 When I told her part of her talk was going to be to sing a verse of a song I thought she'd say no (I would!) but she didn't say anything so we went ahead with it. I hope she'll always be so willing to do talks, songs etc at church. And it's going to be neat to see her little sissy start doing them too. Cause we practise them so much in the week, Ella usually pipes up and joins in anyways so I don't think it will be hard for her when the time comes.

This is where Faith has 'camped' since Ella and Daddy Joe went to Hamilton. As I type this she's lying on her baby bed watching a church movie....the lounge isn't in such a state mind you!

Friday 25 January 2013

Watee's 5th Birthday

It was Watee's 5th birthday party today and Faith, Seth and I went along to have a superhero fun time. I was fun alright. Faith loved every minute of it and Seffy loved looking around at everything that was going on. There's some pics below of how it went.

But first of all, Daddy Joe and Ella are away this weekend. 
Ella's gone on a 3 night Date as Faith says.
So I'm chilling out with my big baby and my baby's cool, but there's definitely a feeling of something/someone (x2) is missing around here.

This was taken just before Daddy Joe got home and left on his weekend date with Ella. Grandie took the girls and Aunty Beezy and Uncle Carl for a ride down the road on the trailer. What a cool Grandie!!!
Faith chose a KFC snackbox for her dinner treat
After we both had a shower we cuddled up on the couch in front of the TV (Seffy was in bed by this stage). She ran down the her room and came back saying it was time for scriptures
Daddy Joe had left us both a luxury flake as our pudding. I scoffed mine down and Faith had one bite and then put it in the fridge saying she's rather have some tomatoes (from the garden) for pudding. She had 2 big ones and 4 little ones
All set up for her night in the lounge. I told her I was going to my bed and she was ok with that. I went to bed at about 10:30 and she watched her whole movie by herself. At 12:30 I woke to her whispering beside me saying 'Mum, please help me put my toothpaste on my toothbrush'. This morning when I asked her about that she said she didn't want to get holes in her teeth (that's what I tell her will happen if she doesn't brush). The girls both had their dentist visit yesterday and the tooth cleaning vigilance is paying off cause they've both got good sets of pegs. She ended up turning her movie off and snuggling in beside me just after 1 I think
Faith's card for Watee
We gave him 3 books about animals
We had to wake up Seffy to go the party. He was in a deep sleep but when he woke up and saw me standing there he had a massive grin as always:)

Watee's Grandma has a daycare up on Sturges road so it was a perfect place for a party

They played a game where you had a little water gun and you had to go and find the baddies which were lego men frozen in blocks of ice. You had to squirt them with water so the ice would melt off them and then run them back to the jail

Mean Mean Mean lunch!!!! This was round 1 for me

Watee's Mum Pippa is a master cupcake baker. Divine!

Faith's prize for using her x-ray vision to guess what was in a paper bag (a feather)

Patty's daughter Clara asked to hold Seffy and he loved it!

All partied out!!! Well actually Seffy was partied out, Faith and I could have kept going

Straight back into her bed to open her party box and watch her movie again

And Seth went straight to bed for almost 4 hours!

We had such a wonderful time. It was cool to watch  Faith run around and enjoy time with her church friends. I look forward to the years to come as they grow up together and develop their friendships

Thursday 24 January 2013

Seffy's nearly 7 months!

My precious little Seffy Leffy Sunny Man is almost 7 months. I can't believe it! Boy am I blessed to be able to call him my son.

This is what's happening in the life of Seth Cromwell Heke at the moment

-He got 2 teeth last week, without me even knowing they were coming through! He just started munching on my finger and I something felt sharp. When I pulled his lip down I saw two little teeth cut through.

-His favourite 'toy' is the wipes packet. The girls know he loves it so they always bring one to him to play with. I was about to throw away an empty one today and they told me not to cause it's Seffy's toy.

-He also loves his baby toothbrush thing, sucks on it forever in a day

-He's rolling over more now. After learning to do it a couple of months ago he got a bit lazy and has been chilling out on his back. Not anymore though, he's often heard grizzling after a bit of a stint on his tumtum.

-He doesn't stay in one place on the ground anymore cause he pushes his feet down on the ground and shuffles around a bit.

-He loves to giggle if you do any repeated, smiley, loud noises in front of him. He can go and go as long as you keep giving it to him. Actually all you need to do is look at him and he grins from ear to ear

-He is the best behaved member of our family for Sacrament. Never has to be taken out :) And then when it finishes he gets wrapped up and walked around the hall so he'll fall asleep in Gospel Doctrine. That usually takes about 5 minutes and then he'll stay down for half and hour at the least....or till the end of church on a good day

-He generally sleeps from 7pm-5am and he'll either wake up crying or more often that not I hear him babbling away in the pitchblack. He can go for ages just jabbering to himself. Eventually I pick him up just so I can quickly feed him and get back to sleep myself.

-I can't really wear necklaces and earrings now (not that I do very often) cause he zeros in on them, grabs them and pulls them straight in to suck.

1st visit to Glenfield Creche today.....and first time being looked after by someone other than Mum and Dad. He was the only one there so he had 4 ladies all to himself!

Because he usually wakes up at 7ish and doesn't go to bed until about 9:30ish,  I've been feeding him his weetbix at kindy this week. Lots of little girls come up to talk to him but this is his biggest fan, Lilly.

Yesterday it was stinkin' hot on Aunty Nae's deck so all the kids had  a play in Pency's paddling pool. Aunty Beezy put Seffy's feed in to cool him down. It took about 3 seconds for him to register the water was really cold (all the other kids loved it) so his bottom lip started quivering and tears began flowing. Poor lil man! Was time for a kip on Mac's big bed after that

Soon he'll be crawling and then walking and then's all just a bit much for me to accept at this point. My little newborn Seth isn't a newborn anymore!

I love you darling, 'my seffy baby man'