Monday 14 January 2013

Inocluations = Ouch

Today I finally got around to taking Faify and Seffy to have their overdue immunisations.

Faith needed one jab in the leg and Seth needed one in each chunky little thigh :(

I was pleased to have Daddy Joe come along with us, although it turned out he got teary about holding Faith for hers (even though she wasn't phased at all!)

Waiting to go in to the nurses station

My poor little man doesn't know what's coming

The nurse told her to look up at her Dad but she kept staring at the needle

Done, no tears....not even close (not for her at least!)

Seffy had a big cry for each of his but I snuggled him in quick and it was all over within seconds.

Feels good to have that done. Until next time.......
Not sure who's next, maybe Seth again, or Ella.

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