Wednesday 30 January 2013

Auckland Anniversary Day

A beautiful sunny Auckland Anniversary day with Faith, Seth and our Ormsby familia....Wonderful!!!
Aunty Nae's got good pics on her blog too. You can get to them  here

Pency really enjoyed the exercise equipment

Good one Aunty Beezy. Poor little Pence being beaten up by his Aunty :(

Serious business for Uncle Pete and Uncle Stanie


This is how the kiddies were on the drive home.....

On another note, some little punk did this artwork on our letterbox between 6-7pm on Sunday evening. I know that cause it wasn't there when we went to choir and it was there when we got home. Faith really wanted to call the police about it so I had to put the phones out of her reach and I saw her with 1-1 put into the phone

1 comment:

  1. haha, good one Pod :) Wish you knew who it was so you could phone the police - same as for the person who keyed the truck! What is wrong with people these days :(
