Thursday 10 January 2013

Strawberry Picking

I've wanted to do this for the longest time with the girls but we've never actually done it. I said yesterday I'd like to do it as a special activity for Ella cause it seems that Faith gets to go out and do a few more things than her (just because of her age).

Today I had the perfect opportunity cause Faith's still not home from her sleepover at Peach (she'll be loving her life right now!)

So Ella and I got all ready along with our sidekick Seffy. She was unimpressed when I did the whole sunscreen rigmarole (funny word!), but it was very necessary cause today's really sunny. Despite my efforts we were the only people out of about 40 picking that didn't have hats on...oops!

Ella loved it. She was a little frustrated that I could just step over rows to get to good ones that I saw and because of her stumpy little pegs she had to walk right back to the beginning of the row and come up the one I had moved to.

Seffy thought it was ok, not overly fussed about it. He just tried to grab them out of my hand and squeeze red juice everywhere.

It costs $7 per kilo which is more than it would cost to buy punnets at the fruit shop, but it was all about the experience and bonding together. And we didn't get too many so it was only $4.40c

As I type this Ella is sitting in the lounge with her cache. I better go in and see the state of her.........

.........not good, she's got a white (now red t-shirt) and there's little green strawberry stalks thrown all over the floor!


  1. Oh no, doesn't strawberry kinda stain? Hope you got it out o.k. That was so cute about her stumpy little pegs lol....Pod was loving her life but then hated it & was so not happy when Daddy came to pick her up. She was hoping she could stay another night or two lol....All I know is that I can't wait till they're out of carseats or we get a bigger car cause it took about half an hour to try & find the belt buckles everytime we got in or out of the car!! Did you like her outfit lol

  2. Haha cute! This just warms my heart because I always feel sorry for her being left at home :( How special to have an outing all to herself (apart from Seffy). As soon as saw her white top I said 'I can't believe Mell let her wear a white top!' haha And then I read what happened :s
