Thursday 10 January 2013

Survival Fires

Tonight the Elder's Quorum were having an activity at the Christy's to light a fire in an emergency. Ella, Seth and I tagged along to learn some helpful hints, and very helpful it was. (Faith had scored an unexpected sleepover at Aunty Nae and Uncle Stanie's after being allowed to stay there for a swim this afternoon.)

Now I have to go to Hunting and Fishing to buy a modern day flint. We've recently hassled that shop wondering who on earth would actually go there....turns out, I will be shopping there in the next day or two!

I'm so thankful for the welfare programme of the church. I don't think you can every be too prepared for a disaster, so anything we can learn or stock up on is good in my book. I feel better going to bed tonight knowing that I now have some good pointers on how to build a fire should I ever be called upon to do so (heaven forbid!)

Ella was way too confident around the fire for my liking. She even walked straight over one when in her gumboots, when it was grey and powdery (but still burning hot!)

1 comment:

  1. FUnny you say you hassle Hunting and Fishing coz that would be Petes spotlight!!
