Tuesday 1 January 2013

Onward and upward

Another year has begun and I'm excited for it. Not that I was happy for 2012 to end, but I'm just excited about what the new year will bring for us. Faith will start school, Ella will start at Summerland Kindy, Seth will start walking (I expect). Daddy Joe will keep on keeping on at work, and EQ, and I'll keep on being Mummy Mel extraordinaire. Just kidding, I'll keep on doing what I do, and trying to be better (in every way!) Oh, and I'll hit the big 3-0 milestone...WOW, how did that happen!

I did a little reflection last night (in the ads of Titanic) and it was crazy for me to actually stop and think about where my life is at.....in a good way. I'm a wife with an amazing husband, a Mum of 3 precious kiddies and a sister, daughter, aunty to lots of others. I love my life!!!!

I love my family, I love my home, I love my calling (relief society secretary), I love my neighbours, I love my friends at church, I love both the girl's kindys. As Renee expressed yesterday, I love knowing that families can be together forever. Having faith in the plan of salvation is priceless. All in all things are good for us. And I only anticipate things getting better as 2013 progresses. If today is any indication of what's ahead, it's sunny skies, happy family time, a bit of exercise and then relaxing in front of the TV (while blogging of course). And probably a few trips to Spotlight + Emporiums as well actually.

Also last night I put some goals to paper. My biggie for this year is Visiting Teaching. I'm determined to make it a part of my life that deserves my time and attention. Temple Service also features.
Greater patience (particularly with my girlies) is there. Enjoying more play time with my kiddies rather than always saying to them 'I can't' or 'hold on' or 'wait, I've just got to....' when they ask me to play with them. I need to actually relax and play, make memories with them. I want to have fun with them and not always be thinking about what else needs to be done around the house. Funnily enough that's probably one of the goals that will be the hardest for me. It even seems silly to me as I admit that, but it's true.

There's a few others but I won't bore you with the details.
Suffice to say that things are going well so far......

Here's a few pics of the last few days for us.
And go here to see pics of our cool picnic at Browns Bay today. The girls have gone to bed asking for lots more trips to the beach cause they loved it. I guess that's where we'll be heading over the coming summer weeks (if the weather obliges!)

Ella's afternoon sleep is now in the lounge on the couch. We have 'quiet time' when Seth has his afternoon nap and the girls muck around and close the curtains, and sometimes fall asleep watching a movie. Sweet!

Seth had his first marmite bread stick last week (a million times cheaper than rusks). I thought he might scrunch his face up with the strong taste of it, but he was loving it, licking away like crazy.....good boy my son!

And his first pizza...lovin' cheese lovers

Ella enjoying a christmas toy. We probably use it and pack it away about 5 times a day. I just can't bring myself to leave it out on the floor from morning till night. The house looks like a disaster zone with this and lots of other toys all over the lounge floor, plus blankets from 'bed making' and clothes from changing outfits!!!!! All that aside, it was money well spent on the train + tracks set.


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