Tuesday 8 January 2013

The life of a kid

The life of a kid is pretty sweet aye. No cares, no worries, no stresses......oh to be a kid again! 

The biggest worries in my kids life come when I say 'no you can't have a candy cane for breakfast' or when 'it's nearly bedtime'. Other than that, despite the incessant whinging that plays in the background of our home, they live a happy, carefree life. 

Seffy's at his happiest when sucking on his big toes at the moment, and by sucking I mean SUCKING.  He goes pretty hardout. How's that for carefree!

Faith makes up her own fun by cutting up banana leaves....

And fixing up Daddy Joe's rough job no the lawn.
She came in asking for scissors yesterday and didn't tell me what she wanted them for.
I saw her doing this a few minutes later, and she did it for ages. She'd cut a bit and then look for another standout tall bit

Learning the alphabet. I suppose that could be categorized as a 'stress' in the life of a 4 year old, but so far it's just fun for Faith

Building a helicopter

Making beds in the lounge

Stay in your PJs all day

Let's make fun in the garden, let's pull off those things Mum always looks at (the peas she's so lovingly and carefully growing) and pull them apart all over the concrete

Faith's really into making cards and cutting them up and wrapping them up as presents. They're usually for 'your grandma' (Grandma Ormsby)

And then after all that hardwork, just make a bed in the lounge and have a sleep amongst all the fun/mess

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