Friday 25 January 2013

Watee's 5th Birthday

It was Watee's 5th birthday party today and Faith, Seth and I went along to have a superhero fun time. I was fun alright. Faith loved every minute of it and Seffy loved looking around at everything that was going on. There's some pics below of how it went.

But first of all, Daddy Joe and Ella are away this weekend. 
Ella's gone on a 3 night Date as Faith says.
So I'm chilling out with my big baby and my baby's cool, but there's definitely a feeling of something/someone (x2) is missing around here.

This was taken just before Daddy Joe got home and left on his weekend date with Ella. Grandie took the girls and Aunty Beezy and Uncle Carl for a ride down the road on the trailer. What a cool Grandie!!!
Faith chose a KFC snackbox for her dinner treat
After we both had a shower we cuddled up on the couch in front of the TV (Seffy was in bed by this stage). She ran down the her room and came back saying it was time for scriptures
Daddy Joe had left us both a luxury flake as our pudding. I scoffed mine down and Faith had one bite and then put it in the fridge saying she's rather have some tomatoes (from the garden) for pudding. She had 2 big ones and 4 little ones
All set up for her night in the lounge. I told her I was going to my bed and she was ok with that. I went to bed at about 10:30 and she watched her whole movie by herself. At 12:30 I woke to her whispering beside me saying 'Mum, please help me put my toothpaste on my toothbrush'. This morning when I asked her about that she said she didn't want to get holes in her teeth (that's what I tell her will happen if she doesn't brush). The girls both had their dentist visit yesterday and the tooth cleaning vigilance is paying off cause they've both got good sets of pegs. She ended up turning her movie off and snuggling in beside me just after 1 I think
Faith's card for Watee
We gave him 3 books about animals
We had to wake up Seffy to go the party. He was in a deep sleep but when he woke up and saw me standing there he had a massive grin as always:)

Watee's Grandma has a daycare up on Sturges road so it was a perfect place for a party

They played a game where you had a little water gun and you had to go and find the baddies which were lego men frozen in blocks of ice. You had to squirt them with water so the ice would melt off them and then run them back to the jail

Mean Mean Mean lunch!!!! This was round 1 for me

Watee's Mum Pippa is a master cupcake baker. Divine!

Faith's prize for using her x-ray vision to guess what was in a paper bag (a feather)

Patty's daughter Clara asked to hold Seffy and he loved it!

All partied out!!! Well actually Seffy was partied out, Faith and I could have kept going

Straight back into her bed to open her party box and watch her movie again

And Seth went straight to bed for almost 4 hours!

We had such a wonderful time. It was cool to watch  Faith run around and enjoy time with her church friends. I look forward to the years to come as they grow up together and develop their friendships

1 comment:

  1. What was up with wanting tomatoes over a luxury flake Pod???!!! (And what exactly is a luxury flake?? Flasher than a normal one obviously??!!!)
    Cool costume Mell! You did such a great job! Sounds like it was such a fun party & so cool that it made Seffy sleep for 4 hours afterwards!!
