Thursday 24 January 2013

A house of.....Order

Sometimes I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall when it comes to trying to have a house of order. Does my family want to live in a pig sty? The answer is no, but they want me to make sure that it's not. I on the other hand want a clean and tidy home that we all maintain TOGETHER.

So after reading another blog about focusing on D & C 88:119, I decided to focus on one part of the scripture per week for FHE as she did.

To start off we did ORDER.

First of all we got in order from youngest to oldest, then tallest to shortest. I told the girls how there is an order to lots of things we do in life, like the order of our day which usually goes breakfast, kindy, lunch, play, afternoon tea, dinner, bath, scriptures, prayers, bed.

And then I told them about how in our home we should have order too, because the Lord likes a house of Order, not confusion. Faith was listening to me intently so I emphasized that our home shouldn't be all muddled up and confusing, but it should be neat and tidy and in order so that we can have the Spirit.

Now I don't think it needs to be so ordered that we can't relax and feel comfortable, but I just want them to understand that we should put things away where they belong when we're finished using them, and use the washing baskets, put dirty plates in the sink etc. The girls are both old enough to understand that surely  (as is their Father for that matter!)

We finished off by singing 'when we're helping we're happy and we sing as we got, for we like to help mother and we all love her so, tra la la la la la la, tra la la la la la, tra la la la la la la, tra la la la la la'.

In the 2 days since our lesson Faith has been so excited when I call out 'tidy up time!!!!!' She literally jumps up from what she's doing and looks around for what needs to be done, pretty much running and pushing things out of her way when she sees 'mess'. It's really cute and obedient. Yesterday when I did it because the lounge was in a real state, Daddy Joe looked up and me and said 'oh, can we just finish this?' I quickly responded 'are you kidding me? no you can't just finish that!!!!!' If the girls realise you can delay and say 'I'll do it soon', or 'can I do it later?' then I'm in real trouble with the whole idea.

I hope the excitement keeps up but I expect the novelty will shortly wear off.

I'd really like to train my children to understand the difference between an 'ordered' and 'confused' home and do their part to keep ours on track.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Think we could do with giving that one a go too!! You just constantly feel like you're going round in circles aye :( Tidy up, mess it up again, eat, do the dishes, eat, do the dishes lol.....groundhog day!! Lucky for all the good bits in between :)
