Tuesday 22 January 2013

Ella's date with Aunty Beezy

When Faith went for her date with the Stoners to Wreck it Ralph last week Ella stayed at home with the parentals. Cool!

On saturday Aunty Beezy phoned to see if it was a good day to take Ella out to do something. I'd loved to have said yes but Ella had the dreaded lurgy so it just didn't work.

The worst lurgy Ella's ever had laid her up for 24 hours....exactly
My poor little sleepy dog laid in the lounge all day. She went from couch to her mattress in the lounge and then back to the couch all day. I got lots of cuddly snuggles that day. Lucky me!!!

I'm sure this is the first time in her life she's actually just sat at the dinner table and talked to us calmly rather than mixing her water in with her food, falling off the chair etc. It was a delight

Luckily on Monday this week it did work out for them to have a date, and off they went. Beezy's blog about it is here

Hat, scooter, cash...ready!

She left with a tiny hole in her leggings and came back like this....that's what you get when you sit in the car and rip your pants

Faith got to help Daddy Joe on the Barbie while Ella was out

She waltzed back in with a massive grin on her face and her spoils in her hot little hands. 

 Thanks Aunty Beezy!!!! Billy Bobby loved going out with you and now she's got her own barbie scooter so she can get really good and show you some of her new moves in a little while

1 comment:

  1. Love that little critter xxx p.s I'm hoping you're still alive right now over at your appointment in the city!!
