Wednesday 30 January 2013

A house of Fasting

On Monday evening when Daddy Joe and Ella got home from their weekend in Hamilton, we had FHE. It was a continuation of last weeks lesson, focusing this week on 'a house of fasting'.

We started by talking about opposites....
big - little

And talking about fast, that led us into our lesson.

What does it mean to fast? Faith said that's when Dad's not hungry!
We told her it's about how we show that we have faith Heavenly Father listens to us and knows the desires that we have for ourselves and others. It shows that we can put aside food in order to receive greater things. It's about obedience.

I challenged her to join in on Fast sundays by missing breakfast before we go to church. She said 'no, I don't want to'. I told her it was her choice but I think she's old enough.
I gave her some ideas of different things we could fast for and she started to be keen. It was really sweet to see her countenance change as she realized that she could help herself and her family by fasting. And coincidentally it's fast sunday coming up so I'm excited to see what happens.

This was the game we played for FHE. It's been in my present drawer for months. The girls have finally discovered that my bottom drawer doesn't have clothes in it! Faith's really wanted to play it for ages and I always say no so she was really excited that it was finally a yes. And Ella's in love with it, but she's also good at putting the bugs away in the box to have a sleep too.
This was a very messy 'can I help Mum?' Would have been easier to say no but she kept saying 'Mum I really want to help you' How could I say no to that?

5 minutes after helping me with the dinner (in the pic above), I asked her to sit on the couch and play with Seffy. This is how I found them after I finished cooking the, dodgy babysitting Faith!!!

The girls are loving these. They've probably had about 10 each today

1 comment:

  1. Cool, are those tomatoes that you grew?? You'll have to let us know if she ends up fasting this Sunday or not :) ....the beetle game lol. Remind me to have a game with the girlies when I come over next! Haha crack up babysitting Pod. Seffy looks like he's pretty chuffed just to be next to his big sissy though xx
